A smiling man and woman sit on a bench in the rear of a campervan with the doors open

We're Laura and Joren

In September of 2015, we set out as newlyweds on a two week backpacking trip through Germany and Austria and got bit by the travel bug, hard.

A couple years later, with almost a dozen more stamps in our passports, we sat on a beach in Vancouver watching the sun set and had a conversation about major changes we wanted to make in life.

We started downsizing, sold our house, and moved into an apartment while planning our next step.

Since then we’ve been blessed with the opportunity to drive the Ring Road around Iceland, kayak on Lake Titicaca, swim with sea turtles in Barbados, mountain bike around Loch Ness, snorkel between two tectonic plates, and so much more.

Trees and layers of distant foothills and mountains catch the golden light of sunset in Colca Canyon Peru

"we’re also exploring what it means to live a simplified lifestyle. One that prioritizes experiences over possessions."

Now we not only explore new destinations full time in our self-built campervan, we’re also exploring what it means to live a simplified lifestyle. One that prioritizes experiences over possessions.

Our aim is to effectively live out our faith, be more present in the lives of our friends and family, and escape the modern day grind, while pursuing the passions that give us meaning and fulfillment which, of course, includes travel!

what we're about

Our writings are a mix of guides, to help inspire you to seek out the most authentic and exciting travel experiences for yourself, as well as a photo journal of our own adventures and love of the outdoors.

We write about destinations and experiences, converting and living in a campervan and, occasionally, our own musings on topics like minimalism, simplified living, and faith.

You certainly don’t need to quit your job or sell everything and move into a vehicle full time to gain something from our little corner of the Internet. We just hope to inspire some of the same passion we experienced back on that beach in Vancouver.

No matter the reason you’re here, we’re glad to have you along. The support we get from our readers means a lot to both of us. We’d love to connect with you on social media as well, so drop in below and leave a comment or send us a quick message if you’d like.

A woman in a denim jacket and long brown hair sits in the rear of a campervan and smiles at the camera


Laura’s a devoted cat mom of two.

It’s pretty safe to say she’s never not thinking about food. She can regularly be found in our minimalist van kitchen whipping up all sorts of delicious meals - quite a feat with only two appliances.

When she’s not exercising culinary skills she can be found on the hiking trail where she fills the role of official Bear Awareness Guru.

She’s also an avid consumer of sci-fi TV series, a photographer, and a digital marketing pro.


Joren’s equal parts creative professional, computer geek, and aviation enthusiast.

His collection of hobbies runs a mile long and trying something new never gets old. He’s even tried his hand at playing the fiddle, a skill he’s determined to acquire someday.

His approach to travel is the same and he’s always ready for the next adventure.

Happiest in the mountains with a camera, he’s even happier when that’s followed by a hefeweizen in a shady biergarten.

A bearded man wearing a beanie and daypack stands in front of a landscape of red rock and evergreen trees and smiles at the camera

want to work with us?

We’re actively looking to partner with destinations and brands who have a heart for the outdoors and who align with our values and travel style.

Does that sound like you? Visit our commercial inquiry page below to get in touch with us.

request our media kit

how did this whole thing start?


Choosing adventure

At the beginning of 2015 we’d only traveled out of the country together twice. We’d been married six months and decided to add some adventure to our lives. With two backpacks and a GoPro (the only camera we’d ever used), we did a circuit through southern Germany and Austria. That trip set in motion something that would become a major driving force in our lives.


making changes

By 2017 we’d been through several European countries, some of the Caribbean and were traveling through the west coast and British Columbia. We also figured out how to use a camera. While sitting on the beach in Vancouver one night, we had a long conversation and vowed to make some major changes. We were determined to redirect our lives. To cultivate more experiences, reduce our possessions, adopt a minimalist mentality, and pursue the things that hold meaning and fulfillment.


Downsizing ain’t easy

In true Lor & Jor style, nothing is done quickly or without much deliberation. Almost two years after starting the process we continued the long uphill battle of downsizing. We completed some major projects on our house, sold it, and transitioned from 3000 square feet down to a 700 square foot, one bedroom apartment. That was our launching pad for the next season of life. We also rented a campervan for our first taste of vanlife and pretty much immediately envisioned ourselves doing it for an extended period.


a business and a van

By removing our house from the equation we were able to focus our time and energy on more of what we’d set out to do. We all know what happened between 2019 and 2021. Thanks to impeccable timing, we started our photography business exactly one month before the pandemic began. While international travel came to a halt for us, we were still exploring a lot domestically. We decided the next step would in fact be a van and we set out on what would be a much longer journey than we ever anticipated.


a new season

Building the van of our dreams was a painstaking process. We sacrificed days off and vacations to make it happen, along with at least a portion of our sanity. More than a year and a half after the start we were thrilled to be done, but also grateful for the process and the ability to do it. In January of 2023 we said goodbye to rent and utility bills and welcomed in a new season of full time travel.

Letters from the road

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A woman stands in crystal clear ankle deep water on a beach.
A man sits in the sun on the rear of a sailboat.
A waterfall surrounded by large boulders and colorful fall foliage
A woman in a red coat walks down a boardwalk toward a picturesque red covered bridge during fall
Looking down a rocky river toward a pedestrian suspension bridge with fall foliage on either bank
A scenic lighthouse on a rocky coastline catches early morning sunlight while birds fly past
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